Bring friends, family, your binoculars and your water bottle to Lory State Park each month to experience a special birding program. Enjoy a brief presentation followed by a one-hour birding hike. Meet at Eltuck Picnic area unless otherwise indicated.
Activities are free with a valid state park pass. Registration required and space is limited. Call (970) 493-1623 to sign up.
June 4: Birding 101. “Bird-watching is a quest for the remarkable, the beautiful, the incredible.” Learn how to get started, and become aware of the amazing activity around us! Presenter: Lori Pivonka, Fort Collins Audubon 8 am – 10 am
June 11: Birding by Ear. Each bird species has a unique song or series of vocalizations, which distinguish it from the other 10,000 bird species on earth. While it seems daunting, a tuned ear will detect a higher number of species than eyes alone. Presenter: Scott Rashid, Colorado Avian Research and Rehabilitation Institute 8:30 am – 10:30 am
July 16: “A Well Gulch Food Web Walk.” What do birds eat? It depends on the bird and time of year: seeds, berries, fruit, insects, other birds, eggs, small mammals, fish…and more! Presenter: Dave Leatherman, Fort Collins Audubon 8 am-10 am
Aug.13: Bird Photography 101. Learn how to capture an intimate and compelling image. Presenters: Ron Harden and Joseph Webber, Fort Collins Audubon 8 am – 10 am
Sept. 11: Fall Migration and Winter Ecology. When do our visitors leave and, for those who stay, how do they survive the winter? Presenter: Barbara Patterson, Fort Collins Audubon 8 am – 10 am